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Flying eagles in the mountains

Would you like to learn leadership through an engaging story, of friendship, and courage? 

Leadership is hard to define, but it involves inspiring and guiding others towards common goal. Effective leaders have strong communication, strategic thinking, and empower their team. Leadership is essential for success in any field.

Wings of Purpose book cover

Join this epic journey of self discovery!!!

Dr Clare Allen


You don't know what you are capable of until you are tested. 


People often want to be leaders, but without a tribe, you are unlikely to succeed..and without courage, you definitely will not succeed.


So, how does Wings of Purpose, show you how friendship, and courage helps you to be a better leader. ?

Dr Clare Allen

Before I answer that, let me introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Dr Clare, and I have over 25 years experience as a CEO. Here's a secret!!!! The characters in this book, are all based on people that I have known.

The charactures are based on Eagles, because I love the fact that they 'rise above the storm clouds and are visionary birds", and let's face it they look so spectacular.

Moment, the coach Eagle in this book, could be you, or perhaps you will identify with one of the other Eagles. .

While, I don't know  you, I can tell you, when we know our purpose in life, then we have wings to fly.

I know A LOT about leadership—especially when it comes to being of 'definate purpose' and ' the power of belief'.


You cannot out run your true calling, it always catches up to you.

Dr Clare Allen

I encourage you to, join the Eagles on this epic journey of self discovery and have fun on this journey, 
you will cry 
and you
will laugh and you will 
learn about leadership.

Dr Clare Allen

The #1 insight in this book, is "You cannot escape your true calling"

The #2 Insight in this book, is "Fear is to be embraced and overcome".


I've learned through the power of storytelling, that people connect to characters and that they can see themselves in stories, that's why I share with you, so many profound insights, through Wings of Purpose, so that you can relate to the events and decisions that are made throughout the adventures that the Eagles embark upon.


Success isn't about flashy clothes, cars, or even a money. While, you may have been told, what leadership is about, this book will show you!


The greatest gift, anyone can tell you, is to "believe in yourself".

This is an amazing opportunity to learn all about leadership, in an interactive and fun way.

There's never been a story told like this, so jump right in and enjoy.

You can easily learn about leadership, with Wings of Purpose.

Dr Clare Allen

So don't hesitate to purchase a copy now, or better still go and check it on audible and listen to Candace Joice, narrate this incredible story.

Dr Clare Allen
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