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Dr Clare Allen

How to stop people stealing your joy, is written, to help you to not be defined by other people's view of you.

Everybody wants to live life on on their terms, do you?.

When people first realize they are living their life based on other people's expectations, they dismiss it. But it never goes away, our subconscious keeps bringing it to our attention, that we are not on the right path.

Finally, a book, with proven strategies that sets you on your own path to create the life that you want to live!

How to stop people, stealing your joy will provide you with strategies to re-program your responses to situations and help you to pursue your dreams.? It's the nudge you need for a better life, a life on your terms.

Are you who you want to be?

Well this book, doesn’t offer rhetoric, but practical solutions to help you on your life's journey.

I promise this book has tools that will really help you know yourself and have the courage to improve your life.

Now-you can walk away from being defined by people's view of you. Now- you can create your life, for success and remove feeling guilty, because other people are making you feel guilty. Stop taking this on board, because you are losing who you really are.

Here’s why, this book will allow you live a life in flow.

Dr Clare, says, 'It took me decades to understand the importance of living a ‘life in flow’. She can show you how to do the same.

Are you tired of living life on other people's terms?

How to stop people stealing your joy will help you live in harmony for optimum health and wellbeing.

Now you can create your life, for success and remove feeling guilty and be the person you want to be. 

How to stop stealing your joy, helps you shift your consciousness to understanding and live your, ‘life in flow’ and when you do, then you will not need to strive for success, or money and happiness, it happens naturally without losing your joy.

Like, did you know that, when you complain and nag the universe, you get more back of what you are complaining about.


Why can life be so difficult! Someone or some thought is stopping you, they are literally sucking the joy out of you.

Get rid of controlling people and thoughts and right now you can create your life, for success and remove feeling guilty.

Be the person you want to be. 
Learn to co-create your desired life 
and stop complaining.

How to stop people stealing your joy, will help you create your life, for success.

Even, If You’ve Tried Everything, if you follow these steps, success will happen.

You could be missing out on a promotion, a new job, or a new enterprise, all because you’re not living life on your terms.


Will you continue to be defined by people's view of you?

When you  invest in yourself, you  will be signalling to the universe, that you want to be in control of your life and not be defined by people's view of you?

Do you want to live on your terms?


Stop people stealing your joy today.

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